D. R. Casselman Pens Epic Fantasy Adventure

road-to-andolan-front-with-butler-kudoA new author, D. R. Casselman, has burst on to the scene with an epic fantasy adventure requiring four volumes to tell. The series is Tales of Narda and the first installment is Book One: Road to Andolan.

This will not be a lengthy review, as I do not wish to publish any spoilers.

Suffice to say, in this first book there is ample action and adventure, coupled with a bit of mystery and the hint of a pending love story.

There are characters that you will love and some you will most likely despise as the main characters make their way to the land of Narda and, upon arrival, begin their quest to find three of the five missing Seeing Stones, about which you will discover more when you grab the book and start reading.

There are also a range of unusual creatures, some good, some bad, which seems only fair.

You will be taken to a whole new world to thoroughly enjoy.

Dragon Award-winning author D. J. Butler, said of this first book, “A strong start to a new series! The Tales of Narda are classical fantasy that will reawaken in you the same thrills you felt when you first encountered Tolkien’s Middle-Earth.”

And, I certainly agree with him, as I recall first reading The Hobbitt and The Lord of the Rings more years ago than I care to remember. Narda is a rich and imaginative world within your grasp. Do yourself a favor and visit the Tales of Narda website. Aside from being able to order the book, you can download some great free wallpaper.

I do have to note that the official publication date for Road to Andolan is October 20, 2020, the 65th anniversary of The Return of the King.

Over For Now.

Main Street One