Constitution Day 2020

Constitution Day 2020This year has been one for the books, a year where our Constitutionally guaranteed rights have been neglected, abused and even taken away.

Here we will take a closer look at violations of our “Supreme Law of the Land.”

There have been certain states and cities where the issued orders and mandates border on, or cross over into, draconian and tyrannical rule – the precise actions our Founders fought against, and the very reasons they created our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights to ensure protection exists.

Three of the worst have been California, New York and Pennsylvania. But, rest assured, there are others.

Here is the bottom line of our “Unconstitutional 2020” …

1. Limiting the size of gatherings and congregations violate the right to peaceably assemble, guaranteed in our 1st Amendment.

2. Ordering Citizens to stay home and closing “non-essential” businesses violates due process, as guaranteed in our 14th Amendment.

3. And, closing of these businesses also violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Peaceably to Assemble - ChicagoNot to mention that there are elected officials who condone and/or encourage, and do not put an end to, the riots, looting and personal harm, injury and senseless murder. Their inaction, condoning or encouraging such violates their own Oath of Office to “support and defend” our U.S. Constitution, specifically Article I Section 8 where it is up to them to “suppress Insurrections.”

That same Article charges Congress to provide for the “general welfare” of America. And, to be clear, welfare in our U.S. Constitution does not mean providing money to people … it means, “Exemption from misfortune, sickness, calamity or evil; the enjoyment of health and the common blessings of life; prosperity; happiness; applied to persons” (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language).

Their callous, lax attitude in the face of the violent protests is cause for them to be expelled. As per our laws. Period.

Federal law, specifically 18 United States Code 1918, provides the penalties for violation of the Oath of Office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 and specifically includes: (1) removal from office and; (2) confinement or a fine.

At least there appears to be a light at the end of this seemingly endless, dark tunnel.

Recently, a Federal Judge ruled in favor of businesses, four counties, as well as some state legislators, against the rules and orders set down by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe during this Covid-19 period, basically citing 1 through 3 above.

And, Attorney General William Barr has informed state and local prosecutors that they can bring charges of sedition against violent protestors.

Scale of 1 to 1984 - George WashingtonAll Americans should be very concerned where are civil liberties are not only put at risk, but are taken away.

However, there are many Citizens who do not know what their rights are, that they are unalienable (cannot be given away or taken away).

It is up to We the People to ensure that our Liberty stays put.

As principal author of our Declaration of Independence and third president Thomas Jefferson said, “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”

Know your rights … only then can you protect your rights.

Make Constitution Day 2020 the day you commit to see to it that all of your family members and friends are educated about our U.S. Constitution.

One place to start is by watching the award-winning In Search of Liberty Constitution movie. It is a great refresher or educational tool about our freedom, our rights, our liberty. Following the movie, check out the more in-depth study offered by Building Blocks for Liberty in their three-hour Constitution Boot Camp Streaming Home Edition or consider Constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall’s online Liberty First University.

As well, IC Liberty Films has several free informational resources, including essays and books, to assist everyone in this worthwhile endeavor.

The below are free PDF eBook downloads. Click on the title and the PDF will appear in a new window and can then be saved to your device.

Common Sense 2020: Understanding Today’s Political Environment

Our Founding Fathers on our Republic, Freedom & Governance

The Handbook for We the People

The People’s Guide to the United States Constitution

God Bless America!

Over For Now.

Main Street One

Hive Outdoor Living – #1 Tampa Bay Pool Builder

Tampa Pool Builder - Hive Outdoor - EnclosuresHaving worked in the swimming pool industry a few decades ago, for a company that won more national design awards from the National Swimming Pool Institute than any other builder, it is wonderful to see that quality swimming pool and spa craftsmanship is alive and well.

Especially in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Hive Outdoor Living, based in Tampa, designs and builds custom pools and spas in the area, and has the motto, “Create Your Own Paradise.” And by looking at what they have designed and constructed, that is certainly the case.

Adding a custom swimming pool to your backyard is virtually guaranteed to improve your family’s life for the better. Certainly your children will love it…just be prepared for their friends coming over more often to visit. But that is a good thing, in fact, a great thing.

The good news is that you can build a pool almost anywhere, regardless of the size and shape of your backyard.

Backyard paradise - Hive Outdoor LivingThe professional designers at Hive Outdoor Living work with clients to maximize available outdoor space, with the goal of transforming it into your family’s go-to enjoyment location, your own fabulous staycation.

And the design process?

It has improved dramatically from the days of pencil drawings on drafting paper. At Hive Outdoor, the design takes shape utilizing a 3D computer aided design program, allowing you to view your soon-to-be-a-reality pool and adjacent area from all angles and vantage points.

Your new backyard environment will become the place for your family, and friends, to come together, for fun and entertainment. It will better your health (swimming is the best exercise). And, your new pool and surrounds will provide a much-needed balance between your work and your life. Not to mention, making great family memories to be cherished for years to come.

And, you don’t have to stop there.

Tampa Pool Builder - Hive Outdoor - Outdoor CookingContinue creating your new lifestyle with a spa, waterfall, fountain, a wide array of lighting options, an outdoor kitchen and dining area, an assortment of decking options, screens and enclosures, and even lush, exotic landscaping to top it all off.

When you think about it, adding a backyard paradise makes sense on many levels. It is the perfect solution to enhance your family lifestyle.

If you are in the Greater Tampa Bay area, and are even remotely considering installing a pool and/or spa, you owe it to yourself to see what Hive Outdoor Living, the area’s #1 custom swimming pool contractor, has to offer.

You might be totally surprised. And tremendously delighted.

Over For Now.

Main Street One

Tampa Pool Builder - Hive Outdoor Living custom pool reflection

All images courtesy of Hive Outdoor Living

Are Mandatory Vaccines Unconstitutional?

While there are millions of Patriotic Americans who believe that it is their constitutional right to refuse vaccinations, based on religious or personal beliefs, or simply their right to decide for themselves, there are those who are trying to force-feed vaccinations down our throats, making them mandatory.

And these Vaccinators wish to penalize those who do not toe the line.

One such person is Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz who has shown his true colors. He is obviously not for We the People, although he couches his comments in a way to make it seem that is the case…because it is being done for our ‘safety.’

Dershowitz, a liberal, said, “Let me put it very clearly, you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business.”

He doubled down by saying, “And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.”

I am not an attorney, as is Dershowitz.

US Constitution FlagNevertheless, I have read our U.S. Constitution several times, as well as the Federalist papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers, along with some biographies of several Founders, including that of my 1st cousin (6x removed), Patrick Henry.

In terms of trust, I would much rather listen to those who established our country, our Founders.

Here is what two of my favorite Founders (I have lots of favorites) had to say that seem applicable:

Thomas Jefferson, principal author of our Declaration of Independence and our third president, stated, “The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.”

Founders - Constitutional ConventionIt doesn’t sound like Jefferson would endorse government-mandated vaccinations.

Sons of Liberty founder Samuel Adams declared, “The Legislative has no right to absolute, arbitrary power over the lives and fortunes of the people.”

Mandatory vaccination is “absolute, arbitrary power,” something Adams would oppose.

Thus, it would seem our Founders would not approve of such an over-reach of government and, it is my opinion, they would deem such action unconstitutional.

However, Dershowitz was clever. He couched his comments in terms of a mandate by ‘the people.’

KN95 Covid-19 face maskHe further said, “That’s what a democracy is about. If the majority of the people agree and support that, for public health measures, you have to be vaccinated, you have to be vaccinated. They should give you an alternative. The alternative is to live in your home, don’t get vaccinated, but never ever leave your home or live in a bubble. But if you want to interact with other people, you cannot become Typhoid Mary. The Constitution doesn’t give you the right to spread your illness to other people.”

Here he makes the case that if the ‘majority of the people’ decide this, we must do it, though I must point out to the professor that we are a Republic, not a Democracy.

But I digress.

How would that majority agreement be accomplished? How and why would Americans agree to throw away any of our rights?

FearPanic. Fear. Safety.

The mass media sent our nation (and the world) into absolute panic mode over a Covid-19 virus that appears to have substantially less killing power than its several predecessors, scaring millions of people in the process, setting the stage for Vacinnators to play on that fear to suppress the freedom and liberty of all Americans.

Keep in mind that over 400,000 people gathered to celebrate music at Woodstock during the middle of the Hong Kong Flu pandemic, in August 1969. That worldwide pandemic, which started in July 1968 and went through to early 1970, killed an estimated one to four million people, including between 30,000 and 100,000 Americans (depending upon whose numbers you look at) while it infected somewhere between 11% and 21% of the entire global population.

WoodstockI can honestly state that I have no recollection of mass hysteria over the Hong Kong Flu during that time. I had graduated high school in June 1969, and started college that Fall…life as usual. No masks. Businesses were not forced to close. Certainly there was no social distancing.

As Americans we must remember that our Founders fought for our Freedom, our Rights, our Liberty.

And how do we protect our hard-won Liberty?

Leave it to cousin Patrick Henry, who said, “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.”

Flag - Benjamin Franklin - Patrick HenryAnd what about Benjamin Franklin, who is called the First American?

Dershowitz, and other like-minded Vaccinators, cry “safety, safety, safety!”

Franklin rebukes this beautifully, saying, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

And, that is all it could possibly be, ‘a little temporary safety.’

History holds that proof. Pandemics come and go. Some worse than others. No doubt there will be more.

Do not let the Vaccinators, those spreading fear via the mass media, scare you into believing that mandatory vaccines must be done for our ‘safety.’

I am sorry, but that is part of an agenda.

On the other hand, if they want to make it mandatory that everyone be educated on the wonders of keeping our immune system healthy and strong in order to avoid the possibility of contacting a viral disease, I’d probably be all for that one.

As long as I knew that someone, somewhere, was not profiting from that.

Over For Now.

Main Street One.

Producer and Director Norm Novitsky Pens Novel

Two Faces of a PatriotNorm Novitsky, producer and director of the award-winning In Search of Liberty Constitution movie, has penned a novel titled Two Faces of a Patriot. Billed as a compelling novel for our time, it intertwines factual data and occurrences alongside fictional characters, new tech, action, adventure, politics and a bit of a love story with a time stretch into the near future.

Novitsky, the creator and principal author of the tale, and contributing author John Truman Wolfe (Mind Games), have served up a captivating story with roots based on a fictional account of real-life events that occurred at the turn of the century while being primarily set in the near future, at a time when paranoia, control and power have changed virtually everything in American society and where tensions have risen dramatically, calling for extreme measures to be taken in the name of freedom.

New York Times bestselling author David Farland (The Runelords), one of those who read a pre-publication edition, said, “It’s been a long time since 1984 came out. Every few years, though, someone comes up with some ideas that kind of play off of that, that show social engineering as it is going on today. This is one of those stories. It deals with a future in which social engineering is moving in such ways that it is impinging on human freedom. I recommend this book and give it five stars.”

While another reviewer, Air Force veteran and author Diann Thornley Read (The Sergey Chronicles), had this to say, “Using the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and extrapolating into the decades that follow, authors Norm Novitsky and John Truman Wolfe have written an important and powerful novel…one that should be read by every American who values the freedoms established by our Founding Fathers and the Constitution.”

Visit the Two Faces of a Patriot website for more information.

Two Faces of a Patriot

Over For Now.

Main Street One